Friday, July 25, 2014

And So Is Life

I wanted to share a little bit about what has been going on with me the past few weeks. Earlier this Summer I signed up for an intensive chemistry course, which I mentioned in a previous post, that was 1 year's (3 terms)  worth of content jammed into 9 weeks. I was spending every day from 8am to 11pm being in class and doing homework and then working on Friday and Saturday nights. Just by working 2 days, I fell too far behind on the HW, and my grade was starting to suffer and so I dropped the class. I will take it again at the regular pace in the Fall, but I have been really struggling with the fact that I dropped this class. I haven't ever really quit anything before and so I have been taking it pretty hard.

So the last couple of weeks I've been feeling pretty crappy -- just sleeping in, feeling bad, and most importantly, not taking care of myself. I've been having doubts about what I want to do with my career and my life, and being in limbo is not a place I like being in -- I really dislike feeling like I am floating through life without a goal. I also gave away almost all of my shifts at work so that I would be able to focus on the class, and so I have a lot of free time on my hands, which I am not fond of. So I started cooking. And with the cooking I thought it would be a good idea to start a blog and write about my food experiences and my journey as I figure out my path.

And it has really been helping. I find that I am most happy when I am either cooking or going to work. Times when I am busy. So besides cooking I have been exploring the more artsy side of myself buying used t-shirts and cutting them into tanks, or what I want to do next is try spraying bleach on black shirts or dresses to get that almost interstellar look. I am also going to start attending yoga classes. There are so many great yoga studios around Portland, and I feel that it would be really beneficial for me find an outlet for my stress and become more centered, so I'll let you know how that goes.

Through these things I think I'm starting to come out this slump and it feels so good.

If anything I hope maybe my journey can help you with any struggles that you may be going through, and please feel free to share your story! I find that talking to people about their own life experiences is very therapeutic and helpful in figuring out your own path.

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